In a fantastic article written in 1996, Roger Ballard explains how a
geographical entity known as Europe was mapped out, not based on sharing
a common language or ethnicity, but a common religion. Historically,
Europe's imagined identity was a loose collection of Christian peoples
that were defined in contrast to the Muslims who lay just beyond the
boundaries to the East and the South.
These historic formations have
resulted in a long-standing myth that Muslims are "outsiders" within
Europe that belong in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
In actual
fact, Muslims have been living in Europe for centuries. For instance,
Bosnian Muslims have been rooted in Europe since the 15th century, and
rightly consider themselves as European as the Greeks and Hungarians who
live in their neighbourhood. A BBC documentary aired recently showed
how Muslims have been established and influential in British public life
since the Victorian period.
But Muslims haven't just been living
in Europe for centuries; they have also been making huge contributions
to the Europe that exists today.
Inside Story - Europe's rising anti-Islam trend
ruled parts of Italy, France, Portugal and Spain for more than 750
years, during which they created a cosmopolitan and prosperous society
in which learning flourished. During this period, Muslims played a vital
role in transmitting ancient Greek works, such as that of Aristotle, to
medieval Europe. Scholars have widely argued that it was a credit to
this Muslim inspiration that Europe emerged out of the Dark Ages, going
on to have a Renaissance that created strong political and economic
structures that still make Europe part of the so-called First World
today. Europe's prosperity is therefore, at least in part, thanks to the
significant contribution of Muslims throughout history.
in Europe's history have not just been carriers of knowledge, vital as
that may have been. Throughout the centuries, they have also produced
enormous scholarship in numerous fields such as medicine, mathematics,
astronomy, chemistry and philosophy. So crucial was Muslims'
contribution to these disciplines that many English words relating to
these fields have their origins in the Arabic language. Consider, for
example, fundamental terms like chemistry, which came from al-kimiyah,
and algebra, which came from al-jebr.
A long list of Muslim
polymaths who made ground-breaking interventions and inventions could be
drawn up, such as Ibn Sina in the field of medicine, Ibn al-Haytham in
the field of optics, Al-Zahrawi in the field of surgery, Ibn Rush in the
field of philosophy and theology, Al-Biruni in the field of astronomy,
Al-Jazari in the field of engineering and Abbas Ibn Firnas in the field
of aviation. It is worth spending some time reflecting on these
characters, and the many others who were similar to them, all of whom
contributed far more to humanity than what the vast majority of us ever
Polymaths are rare finds today, but there are many Muslims
living in Europe today who are successful in their field, whether that
be a field that is prestigious or something less glamorous. Muslim
heritage is rich in inspiring contributions, and Islamic teachings
encourage believers to seek knowledge and make use of their lives in the
most productive way possible. Muslims have contributed massively to
Europe and they continue to do so in numerous fields alongside other
Europeans. This is captured in the Olympic games, where several European
countries will be proudly represented by Muslim athletes. For instance
the host nation, Great Britain, will have British Muslims representing
them like Mo Farah, Moe Sbihi and Darren Chessman - not as British
Muslims, but simply as Britons.
It is only because of that
historic belief that Muslims are separate and sealed off from Europe
that these issues need to be highlighted. Following recent news that the
British population has risen more than expected partly due to
immigration, the familiar scaremongering about "outsiders" has
resurfaced. This must be challenged with reminders that those whose
origins may be elsewhere may also have a long history of contributing to
our societies, and may continue to do so in the future. Rather than
understanding immigration as something inherently damaging, then, we
should appreciate the many benefits it brings. It is often when
different people come together that the most promising collaborations
There are no signs of Muslims leaving Europe - and, of
course, there should not be any calls for them to do so. In fact, the
population of European Muslims may only grow further with continued
migration from Muslim countries, conversions to Islam, and especially if
Turkey joins the EU. Muslims have a long history in Europe, have
contributed to its development, and continue to make Europe what it is
today. For that reason, their presence should not be feared but
By Dr Leon Moosavi; sociologist of race and religion based at the University of Leicester.
Follow him on Twitter: @Leon_Moosavi
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect
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